3. Pilot plants for tests and leasing of temporary installations
Trevi has an extensive fleet of pilot plants that can be deployed at short notice. These systems cover most of the techniques applied by Trevi at its treatment plants. A pilot installation is closely monitored so as to collect as much relevant data as possible, in as quick a timeframe as possible. Trevi also develops new pilot installations in response to specific problems and needs.
It is also possible to hire out our pilot plants for your own use. This can represent a huge cost benefit to you, as you don’t need to have the outlay required to equip your own lab up-front, and particularly if you’re not yet sure of the nature and flow rate of your waste water issues. We also have several on-site installations available for waste water treatment pilot tests.

buffer - grease trap - flotation
physicochemical waste water treatment
biological water treatment: BioGP, MBR
sand filter
ion exchange

Air: available pilot units
Dry scrubber
Chemical scrubber
Water scrubber
Ejector scrubber
Wet dust collector
Dispersion fan
Bubble reactor